
(图片) 如果您正在寻找今年冬天的造型灵感,或者只是想在同一屋檐下看到引人注目的面料、色彩趋势和图案,那么一定要参加今年的香港时装秀。 展览将涵盖全系列的服装和配饰,聚焦当下流行趋势。 这次展出的三个新专区是羊绒和羊毛、运动服和包装与设计。 阅读更多 http[…]


当我们日复一日地度过时,我们常常忘记了我们为新的一年制定的目标和决心。 这里有一个技巧可以帮助你实现你今年真正想要的东西,它能让你保持在正轨上,与你的目标保持一致。当你全神贯注,全力以赴的时候,你的目标才能实现。这项技术被世界冠军拳击手穆罕默德·阿里(Muha[…]


我们所有人,大部分时间都在办公室度过,或者带着笔记本电脑舒适地坐在咖啡馆里,通常我们认为很幸运拥有安全的工作环境。这是真的。办公室工作肯定不会出现在 Discovery 的热门系列危险工作中。 然而,即使是这样一个看似安全的环境,如果我们不小心,也会带来一定的[…]

Office Health Scares Part I: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

All of us, who spend most of our time in an office or cozily nestled in a coffee shop with our laptops, often think that we are lucky with our safe working environments. And it’s true. Office jobs will definitely not make it to Discovery’s hit series Dangerous Jobs. However,  even such a seemingly safe …

Kick-start Your Year with Visualising Your Goals

Often as we go through our days on end, we lose sight of the goals and resolutions we have made for the New Year. Here’s a technique that will help you manifest what you really want this year, what this will do is keep you on track and aligned with your goals. When you are …

Don’t Miss the Trendiest Event This Winter: Hong Kong Winter Fashion Show

If you are looking for inspiration for your look this winter or just want to see eye-catching fabrics, colour trends and patterns, all under the same roof,  – then make sure you put this year’s Hong Kong Fashion Show. The exhibition will cover a full range of clothing and accessories, focusing on the current trends. …

Setting up a Hong Kong Company Part One: A Private Limited Company

First, why choose Hong Kong? We truly think that Hong Kong is the ideal location for business set-up. It is not only one of the world’s top financial centres, but also a stable and well-respected jurisdiction. Additionally, since Hong Kong companies are legally required to file annual audited accounts, the company will also have more …


(图片) 第一,为什么选择香港? 我们确实认为香港是开展业务的理想地点。它不仅是世界顶级金融中心之一,也是一个稳定且备受尊重的司法管辖区。此外,由于法律要求香港公司提交年度经审计的账目,公司也将有更多的实质内容,能够申请信贷便利。 Center o 将始终建议[…]


Hong Kong together with London and New York is acknowledged to be one of the highest respected financial centres in the world. It is one of the world’s busiest cities and its efficiency as a financial centre and as a hub for transacting business in Asia is world-renowned. Hong Kong is the leading Asian centre …


昨天是香港贸发局在香港会议展览中心举行的国际授权展的第一天。在接下来的三天里,展示会成为许可方和代理商建立网络并扩展其在亚洲的区域许可网络的平台。 有来自 18 个不同国家的 200 多家参展商,一些世界领先的品牌和授权专业人士参加了。虽然这次展览更适合贸易商[…]