
(图片)今年的ISPO MUNICH 是领先的国际体育商业网络贸易展览会,于1 月26 日至29 日在慕尼黑举行。本次展会为国际商业体育网络提供了一个绝佳的平台。本届展会设有“运动与表演”、“活动与舒适”和“身体与护理”三个主题世界,展品种类繁多。从休闲运动装、健身装、时尚装到机械、设备、直排轮滑鞋、特许产品、非季节性和夏季运动用品、面料和纤维,应有尽有。今年的贸易展是103 526平方米,有2 493家参展商,来自世界各地的81 583人。
甚至我们的一位客户 Flatseam Apparel Limited 今年也在那里!很高兴看到他们参与到行动中来!

Are You In The Customer Service Business?

The answer is YES.

No matter what the natural of your business, or your field of expertise, you work in customer service.


How can this be?

In all businesses, especially a small business, where does the cash come from? Customers. At the end of the day the love for your job does not pay the bills and for the staff, the customers do. That’s why it is vital to ensure that they are kept happy, a little effort can go a long way.

Think Long Term not Short Term

In order for your business to survive, you have to think further than the sales you are getting in the ‘now’, there must be a long term plan, this is – customer service. Many businesses today still make the mistake of perceiving their clients as a one off dollar value rather than a valued life customer. Successful businesses build strong customer relationship by showing dedication – follow up, be responsive, personalised, this will then in turn create loyal customers.

Customer Loyalty gives you Credibility

Good customer relationships can generally create of positive word of mouth from clients, this being the most inexpensive and effective form of advertising a business could ask for. Customers spread their first hand experiences, as well as give information (such as through back and forth conversation) about the business to their networks. Customers are a great source in creating creditability that you would not receive from any other forms advertising.

>Tips To Improve Customer Service

Productivity Hacks as Featured in Forbes

Productivity Hacks

Do you ever feel like the day is going by way too quickly? And that even though you put in decent hours every day, you still find yourself facing last-minute deadlines and stressing over handing in projects or reports late?

Well, I definitely know what it feel like. And that’s why one article on Forbes (“Productivity Hacks That Successful People Use Every Day”) drew my attention.

I would like to share a few tips I discovered in the article and I really hope they will help you get the most out of your day.

Keep in mind that not all of these hacks will go in well with your job description. For example, if you work in the fire department letting your call got to voicemail may not work out well)

1.   Set specific times to check email

Checking and responding to emails can prove to be very time-consuming. And you may not see that at first glance. But try monitoring your email usage for one day and you’ll see how much time you spend going back and forth between mail boxes.

Some research suggests that email takes up to 28% of the average worker’s day. So instead of answering emails at every beep of your smartphone or laptop, try doing it at set times during the day (the frequency depends and particular times depend on you, but do try to keep it under ten)))

2. Let your calls go to voicemail

Don’t feel obliged to pick up the phone every time it rings (unless of course your job dictates otherwise).

If possible, take a look at the caller ID and only take calls that must be answered immediately.

Later on, return to the missed calls when you have time.

3. Have a daily plan in place

If you tend to come home with the depressing thought “I didn’t get anything done today” – then this one is for you.

The thing is, it is very easy to get caught up in dealing with small “crises”, requests and visits. However, when others start dictating your day, you lose control.

Set time limits. By giving yourself a specific amount of time to finish a task, you will be hyperfocused and ignore distractions.

4. Monitor your social media usage

We all know that these days social media marketing is an indispensible part of promoting every small business. However, funny pictures on Facebook or Twitter news updates can keep you glued to the screen and using track of time.

Build in time to check, monitor and respond to social media, write blogs and plan your social media activity. Like any other marketing campaign, it needs planning, deadlines and goals.

5.   Keep meetings to a minimum

The average meeting is around 45 minutes. And most days we have more than one. Meetings are a necessary part of our business lives, but limiting their frequency and duration can prove to be not only time-saving but also efficient.

Many meetings can be avoided and replaced by a group email or a quick phone call, so don’t be afraid to suggest alternatives to traditional, in-person meetings.

 6.   Say no to “busy work”

Do not let yourself get caught up. It’s simple: “busy” does not equal “productuive”.

While tasks like organizing your desk, color-coding your files, or fiddling with fonts may seem important in the moment, they can be huge time-wasters. While there is a time and place for most tasks (even seemingly insignificant ones), be sure you’re not just doing them to stay busy.

7.   Use efficiency-maximizing tools

Software tools are a great way to speed up common tasks that otherwise take up bandwidth. RoboformBoomerang for Gmail, and Dropbox are just three of my most-recommended productivity tools.

How to Make The Most out of Your Linkedin Presence?

Linkedin Tips

With more than 170 million members across more than 200 countries, Linkedin is #1 online business networking tool. But, surely, you already know that.

What you may find interesting are the 4 Secrets of Linkedin developed by Linkedin networking guru – Sarah Hughes.

And here they come:

Secret #1 – Have a Plan!

Make sure you know who your ideal customer is (industry, title, location, company size and so on). Linkedin Advances Search function is a great way to find your “dream client”, provided you have all the gaps filled in.

Next, make sure you offer a high value product/service relevant to your niche.

If you are confident in your offer, jot down a list of 20-50 of those you’d love to turn into customers.

Finally, use Advanced Search to find them on Linkedin and do your best to build a relationship.

Secret#2 – Create a Magnetic Personal Profile

We all are drawn to interesting and charismatic people. And the rule applies to online as well as offline.

One of the ways to do that is to maximize the use of your headline.

In searches, people will see your name, picture and the first line (located under your name).  Use the first line to describe the BENEFIT of what you do rather than simply saying what you offer.

Note: Did you know that now you can also add a video to your profile for maximum impact?

 Secret #3 – Add Value to Your Connections

 We do not like to be sold to. But we prefer to buy from those we trust, know or simply like.

Make sure that 80% of your shares and messages are value added, as opposed to promotional. Share interesting links, research result or insider tips to build trust among your connections.

Note: Tips are especially effective if they are aimed at the problems your potential customers may experience.

 Secret #4 – Take the Online Offline

 Social media are great for building relationships, but why not support them with more traditional activities, such as a phone call, a dinner invitation or even a letter? As these methods are quite rare these days, they will make you stand out in the eyes of your prospect.



Linkedin 在 200 多个国家/地区拥有超过 1.7 亿会员,是排名第一的在线商务网络工具。
您可能会发现有趣的是由 Linkedin 网络大师 Sarah Hughes 开发的 Linkedin 的 4 个秘密。
秘密#1 – 有一个计划!
确保您知道您的理想客户是谁(行业、职位、地点、公司规模等)。如果您填补了所有空白,Linkedin Advances Search 功能是找到“梦想客户”的好方法。
如果您对自己的报价充满信心,请记下 20-50 个您希望成为客户的人的清单。
最后,使用高级搜索在 Linkedin 上找到它们并尽力建立关系。
秘密#2 – 创建一个有吸引力的个人资料
 秘诀 3 – 为您的连接增值
确保您的 80% 的分享和消息是增值的,而不是促销的。分享有趣的链接、研究结果或内部提示,以在您的关系中建立信任。
 秘密 #4 – 在线下


1.   设置特定时间查看邮件
一些研究表明,电子邮件占用了​​普通员工一天的 28%。因此,不要在智能手机或笔记本电脑的每一次哔哔声中都回复电子邮件,而是尝试在一天中的固定时间执行此操作(频率取决于您,特定时间取决于您,但请尽量将其保持在十个以下)。
2. 让您的来电转到语音信箱
3. 制定每日计划
如今社交媒体营销是推广每家小型企业不可或缺的一部分。但是,Facebook 或 Twitter 新闻更新上的有趣图片可以让您专注于屏幕并跟踪时间。
5 .   尽量减少会议
平均会议时间约为 45 分钟。大多数情况下,我们有不止一天。会议是我们商业生活中必不可少的一部分,但限制会议的频率和持续时间可以证明不仅可以节省时间,而且还很有效率。
 6 .   对“忙碌的工作”说不
7 .   使用效率最大化工具
软件工具是加速常见任务的好方法,否则会占用带宽。 Roboform、  Boomerang for Gmail和 Dropbox 是我最推荐的三种生产力工具。



Tips for your Business to Come Alive on Facebook

whattopostDo you feel your Facebook page is getting overlooked, or next to none interaction?

When you post updates and images, do you think about what customers may find interesting? How you will communicate with them? What you want them to perceive about your business?

Here are some tips that can help your company get more likes, comments, shares and hopefully business bustling.

Be Authentic – give an opening where people can get to know you, not just the black and white About page of your business. Share what excites you, put a bit of personalisation into the business to build a relationship with the viewers.

Be Consistent – Post regularly, and also qualitatively. You can use Facebook insights to work out when people are online the most, giving more opportunity to connect with people and build up trust.

Add Value – think out of the box, look for other ways or experiences that would make your post more intriguing than quotes or memes that have been shares countless times already.

Do What Works – replicate your success on post that get the most engagement

Engage – reply comments, make post that invite answers or open discussions, show that your business is open ended and welcoming to strengthen the relationship with your customers.

Experiment with different kinds of post, see what your audience prefers, pictures or useful links? It’s all about trial and error, you never know until you try! Happy Facebooking!