As a businessman, you can prepare for your marketing to anticipate the Hong Kong demand throughout the year. Also, you have to be a step forward and faster than your competitors. Centre O is going to highlights some promotion festivals and key dates in Hong Kong. Wishing you boosting your sales up in 2023.

Public Holidays in Hong Kong 2023

Hong Kong is getting 17 days off in 2023, nevertheless, there are 8 long weekends for promotion festivals to expand the sales period. Start planning your calendar now and decide how you can make good use of the festivals.

January 2023

2 January (Monday) – The day following the first day of January

23 January (Monday) – The second day of Lunar New Year

24 January (Tuesday) – The third day of Lunar New Year

25 January (Wednesday) – The fourth day of Lunar New Year

April 2023

5 April (Wednesday) – Ching Ming Festival

7 April (Friday) – Good Friday

8 April (Saturday) – The day following Good Friday

10 April (Monday) – Easter Monday

May 2023

1 May (Monday) – Labour Day

26 May (Friday) – The Birthday of the Buddha

June 2023

22 June (Thursday) – Dragon Boat Festival

July 2023

1 July (Saturday) – Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day

September 2023

30 September (Saturday) – The second day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

October 2023

2 October (Monday) – The day following National Day

23 October (Monday) – Chung Yeung Festival

December 2023

25 December (Monday) – Christmas Day

26 December (Tuesday) – The first weekday after Christmas Day

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: HAPPY DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL!


Reasons of Market Research?

Market research is a good chance to find out who is your customers and the reasons behind of their decision. For example, value and the opinions towards your competitors.

So, good research can help you ensure:

  1. Your product or service meets your target customers’ needs
  2. Your marketing connects with target customers in the right way

When you figured out your target customers’ needs, then tailor-made your product or service to win them authentically. Finally, you boost your business volume ultimately. It is an utterly win-win situation.

How to start?

Now you know the importance of Market Research. However, how to get start? Firstly, Centre O would recommend you to start in an easiest and lowest cost way. That is surfing around internet. You can check out websites for national and local government organisations, industry or trade associations, relevant consumer groups and companies. As they could reveal important industry trends, or give your fresh date about the size of the market. Or tell you something new about the region you are working.

Ask your own questions?

After your have the idea of existing marketing information, then you can dig into your target group. You have to prepare your own questions for your market research. You may get a surprising answer from your target group, which inspires you.

The earlier you speak with real-life customers, the better. The feedback will help you refine your offering, tweak your pricing, or adjust your marketing plan for maximum success. These interactions with target customers can even be used to start pre-selling your product or service.

How do you do your own Market Research?

  1. Chat with people individually: Talk with the people in your target market, just make sure they are not family and friends. Let interviewee feels comfortable if giving negative feedback.
  2. Hold focus groups: Get a big chunk of information from multiple people in just 1-2 hours.
  3. Get a community going: Create a Facebook group or email list and keep sending surveys, updates and fun facts.
  4. Set up beta testers: Put on some food and drinks, and invite people to come around and test your product.

What to do?

The core purpose of market research is improving your service or product to meet customers’ need and refine your marketing strategies. Therefore, you can

  1. Observe: Put the product in their hand and how they react to your product
  2. Choose: Show them difference names or packaging options and have them pick their favourites
  3. Check: To check what they do and don’t like about your competitors.

What you should avoid?

Market Research can be very big. As an entrepreneur, you have to distinguish what you need to know and you want to know. You are absolutely right to learn all about your target customers. However, you have to think about your budget. And the budget is not limited to money, but the time.

Once you get the essentials, get launched. And you should encourage feedback from paying customers. Also, be positive even negative comments.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: Best way to identify your target market


If you have the Right to Land, does it mean you have the right of abode? This is a very frequently asked question in Hong Kong. According to Hong Kong’s Immigration laws, the Right of Abode and the Right to Land are 2 differences status. Obviously, the Right of Abode and the Right to Land are the not on the same ground. Hence, if you are planning to work or live in Hong Kong, you better know the differences.

What are the differences between Two Right?

Under the Hong Kong Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115), only permanent residents have the Right of Abode in Hong Kong. The permanent residents with the Right of Abode enjoy the right to land in Hong Kong. Likewise, free from deport, or removed from Hong Kong. The permanent residents are free from any condition of stay. Furthermore, the Right of Abode grants the right to vote and stand for elections. Moreover, if the persons have the Right to Land, then he/she doesn’t have the voting and election right. Also, he/she needs to pay the Buyer’s Stamp Duty when buying property in Hong Kong.

If you have the Right to Land, then you don’t enjoy the same level of political right and access to government benefit. Unlike the Right Abode, Hong Kong Government can deport the Right to Land person. If that person has been convicted of crime and imprisoned for 2 years or above.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: Are you entitled for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong?


Quarantine Policy

Under the implementation of 3+4 COVID quarantine rules, travellers arriving from overseas or Taiwan need to spend 3-day in a quarantine hotel. And 4-days in their own accommodation under medical surveillance. During those 4 days, they must conduct rapid antigen test (RAT) tests. Yet, they can visit their workplaces and shops for essentials, but excludes from public venues such as restaurant.

3 Colour Code System

Hong Kong Government is using LeaveHomeSafe app as a tool to monitor the spread of COVID. The app consists of 3 colour: Blue-Amber-Red. While travellers are under medical surveillance. The app will assign am amber code.

Quarantine Arrangement in Hong Kong

B2B Exhibition

Amber code supposed not allow to enter exhibition centre. Since 25th August 2022. The amber code holder is allowed to participate in Business-to-Business (B2B) conferences and exhibitions. Then the participants must pre-registered and wear a mask during the B2B event.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: UPDATED HONG KONG COVID-19 RULES FROM 21 APRIL 2022


Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has posted an Employer’s Return of Remuneration and Pensions to every company. No matter if the employers have employed employees or not, the employers have the obligation to response to IRD within 14 days by filling out the Employer’s return form.

What is the outcome if you have not filed your Employer’s Return Form?

If you have not filed your Employer’s Return, then you will get your company into trouble. The failure to submit the returns within the time specified. It means you offended the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The offence may result in prosecution and render you liable to a highest fine of HK$10,000.

What if you have no employees?

Although , you do not have any employee, it doesn’t mean you can ignore the filing. You are still required to tick the Box “NO” in the Return. Then sign and file the Employer’s Return Form to IRD.

Can you can submit electronically?

Sure, you can file the Employer’s Return via e-Filing under eTAX system. Once you have filed the Return successfully, you will receive an instant acknowledgement from the system. So, e-filing can save you time and convenient.

What if you mis-locate the Employer’s return form?

If you need duplicate Employer’s Return, you can simply visit the Inland Revenue Department to ask a duplicate print.

Last but not the least, if IRD is not able receive your submission within next 14 days from the letter issue date. IRD will take further action to apply penalties to your company without further notice.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: What is Employer’s Return?


Hong Kong Government launched the Employment Support Scheme (ESS) 2022 in March. And the application started on end of April. And the subsidy of disbursement is separated into 4 tranches: May, Jun, 30% of July and 70% of July. The subsidy amount is based on the headcount.

Headcount Revision

As the subsidized companies may have a change in number of paid employees. Thus, ESS will email every eligible company before the Jun and July tranches to inform if there is any revision on headcount. If your company have a revision, then you can log in to your ESS account. And then updated the number of employees. If you don’t have any change in no. of employees. Then you no need to have any action.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT SCHEME (ESS) 2022


Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on 3rd May, 2022 to further ease the Covid-Related restrictions. After considering the epidemic’s relative stability and the strong demands of people recently. The phase 2 social distancing measures will be in effect 2-week earlier.

Covid-19 rules to ease on 5th May

  • Beaches & Swimming pools to reopen.
  • No need to wear mask during outdoor exercise.
  • Dine-in patrons to rise from 4 to 8 per table.

Rules set to ease on 19th May

  • Restaurants may open until midnight for dine-in.
  • Bars and clubs will be allowed to reopen.
  • Social gathering limit rises from 4 to 8.
  • Bath houses, party rooms, karaoke venues, mah jong parlours and cruise will also resume operation.

For further information, please contact us.



In case you want to run a business in Hong Kong, you have a few steps to complete. The first one is to apply for a Certificate of Incorporate (CI) number. Once you have the CI number, the next step is to apply for a Hong Kong Business Registration(BR) number. You must register with the BR office in order to carry out any business activities in Hong Kong.

What information you can find on a Hong Kong Business Registration?

Hong Kong Business Registration
BR Specimen
  1. Name of Business / Corporation
  2. Company Registered Address
  3. Nature of Business
  4. Status
  5. Date of Commencement (Start day of the Valid period)
  6. Expiry Date (End day of the Valid period)
  7. Certificate No – it is commonly said as BR number. BR number is combined with 8 digits-3 digits. E.g, 12345678-001. It stands for BR number-Branch number
  8. Payment date
  9. Receipt number
  10. Amount paid

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: Business Registration Ordinance for Company